Sunday, January 15, 2012

Herp a derp pics of myself and my little brother.

I made some Photo Posts to my Tumblr that I thought I should share with my favourite blog. 
That's right. 
If the pics below don't prove it, I don't know what will. 

Herp a derp....don't you agree

Here's a picture I made with my brother

Here's another pic with my brother.  

We're a bit crazy...Don't you agree?  In fact he's sitting here making a vlog on his camera. lol.  

And just to clear things up. YES. I do wear 3D glasses and a Totoro hat on a regular basis.  I'm wayyyy too much of a nerd for my own good.    The apple shirt isn't helping my case either is it. 


I leave you with that insanity. 
Thanks to all of my blog followers and YouTube subscribers that keep up with this blog.  It means a lot to me to have followers here. Also, do you guys like it when I post my videos here, or would you rather me just keep the vids on my channel and post stuff like this on the blog? 


-Smileyranger :3


  1. If you're making a case for being a nerd, no, your apple shirt isn't helping. The other things you mentioned aren't helping either. Do I need to post the definition for you, again? XD lol

    I don't know which I prefer, since I follow both. Whichever is easier, I guess. =)

  2. Lol I remember what you said :P

    Lets just say I'm a non-conformist and leave it at that shall we xD\

    It's acting weird when I try to post a comment again...hmmmmm...
