Saturday, November 24, 2012

Holiday Hair-Fail.

Every year, often the weekend after Thanksgiving my mother begins dragging out the holiday decorations. For many this is an incredibly happy time, for me this is a time in which I want to crawl up in a corner and hide.  You are now probably wondering why this is...and if you're not, you need to leave, because thats what this post is about. Well, from years past, I have been the subject of quite a few Christmas Tree ornaments that consist of a creative little frame, usually implementing my head/face in some sort of way.     Now, go look at the title, and look back down.  Yup. That's right.

 This picture to the right is from 2002.  I was in preschool, and the picture "frame" is an angel shaped paper plate creation thingy.
If you notice, the hair I was donning was...rather...bowl ish. But not like a normal bowl, but instead, it's...sort of like a pitcher.  And there may or may not have been a rat tail back there.
 We're going to jump 2 years right now, and zoom on over to 2004 for this photo. At this time, I had met a large amount of my current friends, and I was 6 years old.  I was as happy as a homeschooled clam who had just met a bunch of his long-term friends and all could be.  (Seriously, I still keep in touch with about half of the people from my 1st grade class on a weekly basis.)  But that's beside the point.  Let us discuss this hair. This was basically a shorter version of what I had in the previous picture, but with crooked, thin, and strange bangs and a little fluffy thing on the side.

Next we have yet another 2 year jump, bringing us to 2006, the year
in which I was 8.  Here we have...A variation on a theme, for the only noticeable difference is my hair colour.
I wish I had taken some pictures from the odd numbered years...I always had short hair in those.
Welcome to fall of 2006.  Here we have quite the mutation from what we saw before. This, my friends is full blown helmet hair, something that takes...I don't know what to achieve. If both ends of it were a bit more extreme I'd have Billy Ray Cyrus packing and feeling jealous of MY hair.

 ANNNDDD....this. This is 2008.
I can't...///
 And just for reasons I have my little brother looking like the joker. (2008 as well)
 AND. As a finale, we have my christmas tree..which...for some reason...shakes. 0.o



Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Holiday Irony and More.

That video.  Yeah, that one up there. Why don't you click on it, it's got my friends and I in it.   That's usually enough to get you minions to click on the nonsense I upload, right?
If not, I'm going to have to rethink a lot of things.  And that would involve actual work, wouldn't it. Yeah...not going there.   Not to say that I'm a very lazy blogger, I'm just quite tired at the moment and don't feel like opening final cut again and re-editing the video.

In other news, or lack thereof, tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and, provided that we can all ignore the Nicole Westbrook song that was recently dropped on our unforgiving ears, we should be able to get on with the day like any other normal human would.
And, while we're on the subject, was the black guy in that turkey suit from the aforementioned video the same guy that was creepin' the limo in "Friday"?   Coincidence, I think not.

Yesterday I went to a local mall, spending about half an hour perusing the Apple Store.  This usually leads to many things.  First, I stare blankly at my now 3 year old iPod, partially hiding it from the employees in shame, whilst part of me wants to hold it in the air, proud of having it so long.   The latter applied when I proudly brought my then 12 year old laptop to the genius bar one day.     Now my current computer is only 2 years old, and compared to what I used in the store, it's already feeling sluggish.  Either I have a virus, or Apple's reality distortion field is kicking in, big time.
Even my dad fell in love with the new iPad 4.

After that portion of the outing we made our way to the Whole Foods, which, for someone who has to eat Gluten Free is a dietary Mecca.  Need I say more?

There wasn't a whole lot I did after that, so, I leave you, with a short sub par post, and the hopes that I will film my family's antics, or lack thereof tomorrow on the holiday in which we are supposed to give thanks, but instead pass out on the couches of relatives with a headache and a burnt hand from when *insert relative here*  dropped that pot of coffee on you.

Thanks for reading, and supporting my internet existence, or whatever it is that you do.

-Ranger :3

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Reddit Discussions

So this post is going to be a bit different than usual, focusing more on the interaction of the readers, rather than me sitting, trying to think of something to post.  These questions were submitted to the blog from Reddit, a very popular internet locale built upon content sharing and intelligent discussion...well, for the most part it is intelligent.
If you want to be part of these discussions, and have your topics featured on this blog for me to elaborate on them, and bring them into the spotlight, submit your thoughts and ideas to discuss with others on our Reddit HERE.

Well, if you had given me a bit more information, maybe I could have taken this one seriously. Honestly, the only reason I allowed this one to go up here is because it will lighten the mood, hopefully  preventing the rest of you from being driven away like angry little beings. 
Before I depart from this question, you should go on your local craigslist and once you're happy, come back with something truly thought provoking. 

Mastry, I applaud you for your questions!  These are just what I was looking for when I created that post.
This topic, and point that you have made, frustrates me. Not your views, of course, but the way that the rest of the world acts about this, as you have pointed out.

From the research I have done, I have noticed that there are no middle grounds when regarding the treatments and resources available.  It's as if everyone has severe autism, or is nearly lacking in symptoms altogether.  
And the few resources available for, well, anyone afflicted with this are very... poorly constructed, in the sense that the treatments are like placing a stick on bandage on a gunshot wound.

I could bombard this post with links, but I would like to cut this off here, and allow the discussion to continue in the comments.

Thanks for the topic!

I too have noticed this, and it's quite annoying to think about the fact that people have become too impatient to sit down and enjoy a story, or even a biography.  I think part of this is because of how readily available immense amounts of diverse content has become.   Think about it, 30 years ago, sometimes the only way to gather information on someone you might be studying about on a report  was to sit down, a mug of tea in hand, and plow through an entire book about said person.   With today's resources, we have tools like Reddit, Wikipedia, Yahoo Answers, and many others at out fingertips, therefore making the immediate need for prolonged attention spans less necessary. Although, I feel that those who are that way will see soon enough that it will come back to bite them.  

Thanks for the topic that you have provided for this post. 

-Ranger :3

Friday, November 9, 2012

Fleshy Thoughts with a segway into Menially Mundane Musings.

Provocative titles are quite entertaining, are they not?
Well, at least sometimes.
It's rather humorous to see how your mind immediately reacts to such titles, for sometimes you perceive them as completely innocent, and other times you view them as hilariously inappropriate.
I am sorry to announce to you that this time it is quite innocent, for this post will focus on ideas, and how to stretch some skin across them, subsequently fleshing them out.

Over the past week or so, a creative dry spell has been broken, the jar containing its contents bashed upon the ground like a ship carrying secrets is dashed upon the rocks, spilling the contents into the ocean.
I have been bombarded with ideas, which is a wonderful thing, an idealogical godsend.
To a certain extent.
What I mean by this is that I am now befuddled by the copious collections of thoughts traveling, making their way across my brain all willy nilly, and with this many epiphanies erupting all at once, I have no way to effectively prioritize and organize them.  As silly as this seems, for me, at least it's true. Yes, I could write them all down, and then go from there, but unless I comb through every single idea and ride that horse into the ground, I will never know the full importance of it.  Lets say...each idea contains 5 tasks, and each task takes 48 hours to complete...and I have 67 ideas.   (That's not true, but at least it serves as a good example.)   So, I now have no choice but to trek through these potential creativity caverns in hopes of finding something good.

Now, I know what many of you are thinking, I WILL be able to know what the really bad ones are, just by thinking about them for about 5 minutes.

And this is now the perfect segway into the second realm of this post.  

People who feel the need to tell the internet and their friends every little thing they have ever done just because they feel like it is a good idea because of reasons unknown to the majority of the people that they are around. 

I know I am not the only one bothered by this, and I have caught myself participating in this horrid act quite a few times, which is, I guess slightly justifiable since I bide my spare time building an internet audience that is here partly because I am some sort of an internet personality.  (Which puzzles me quite a bit, since I rather lack a personality.)

One thing that I would like to clarify, is that this rant only truly applies to those who feel the need to post every single mundane task or everyday emotion that they encounter, racking up 10+ posts each hour.  COME ON. We've all felt that way before.  

Now one group of people that this doesn't really apply to is the daily vlogging crowd out there, because they usually know where to draw the line so that things stay interesting, like the ShayTards, or CTFxC.
These are two of the top daily vlogging channels, and I think that these people that post all too much, could learn a lot just by watching 1-2 videos from each channel.

That said, I shall end this rant, and go on with my life.

Thank you for reading, and if you want me to write something for your site, shoot me an eMail at and we'll work things out, and I'll have a post ready for you within your given time constraints.  (Also, I can work much faster if you can set a few post guidelines/think of what it is exactly you want me to post.)

-Ranger :3

Monday, November 5, 2012

For once...a tag that doesn't itch.

TAGGED BY Nate and Lilly
Rule 1: Post the rules
2: Answer the questions the tagger set for you and then make 11 new ones.
3: Tag 11 people and link them to your post.
4: Let them know you have tagged them.

Theowlofgallifrey’s Questions:

1:If you had to choose one event in time and change the outcome, what would it be and how would you change it?
This is an odd question, for if I changed anything but the present, I could majorly screw up the future.
Which would be bad...if the "future" is now...and...I might wind up not being born. Any real Time Lord Sunflower would have thought that one through. ;)

2: If you could live one day in the life of anyone (fictional or not), who would it be?
Well, I am...very...reluctant to adapt to new things in general, so having to live the life of someone else would be weird. Very weird. I'd hate it.

3: Where do you hope to see yourself in five years?
First of all, the fact that I will be 19 then is rather horrifying to think about at the time. But I hope I will be well into college, and maybe even close to being done. I also hope that I will be in good health, not burn any bridges with the girl I adore, and have a good job.

4: What would you title your memoir?
In which I actually thought for a second that people would want to read about me. 

5: What was the first book you truly “read” on your own after learning how to read?
Charlotte's web, I was 3, and I loved it. 

6: What’s your biggest fear?
Right's that I'm going to say something...that will...hurt someone I love very much.

7: Do you ever wish you were famous?
Not in a normal sense, because I can't change myself that much for other people...because I do have a little bit of self respect, contrary to popular belief. 

8: Do you play an instrument?
Yes, the Violin and Mandolin, and I want to try the Guitar, Bass, and Piano, so that I can flesh out my creations to a more refined point.  I have so may ideas floating around that if I could, on my own, at least begin to stretch some skin on their musical skeletons, It'd be very nice.

9: What’s one book you wish they’d turn into a movie?
None.  How about that. They always get ruined. Now, if you want to give me 1,000,000 quid and some willing actors, I might agree to making a movie after a book.

10: What is one of your favorite childhood memories?
Well, I quite enjoyed trips to the Alabama coast, where I would get up to all sorts of sand coated shenanigans.

11: If you could teleport anywhere in the world at this very moment, where would you teleport to?
I think 90% of you know where I'd tell me what you think in the comments. 

PaperDollBox’s Questions

1. What Do You Wanna Be When You Grow Up
Well, I hope that I will be content, yet, content in a way that makes me want to strive to be better. 

2. What Planet Would You Live On If You Could Choose.
Gallifrey  ;)

3. Top 2 Favorite Names (One Girl One Boy)
Why are you asking me this?   *noodly arms* 

4.  Whats Your Favorite Scent and Why?
Nothing...clean nothingness. 

5.  Whats You Spirit Animal and Why?
Any animal that is sarcastic and is a sociopath.

6. Whats You Favorite Outfit?
Whatever is clean.   AKA Blue wool socks, camo crocs, blue jeans, a random T shirt and a weird hat.  

7. How Many Fingers Am I Holding Up? (hehehehe)
1.  The third finger from your left on your right hand. 

8. When Do You Think You Will Be 100% Happy?
How will I ever know if I am? 

9. Favorite Type Of Ice Cream 
Mint Chocolate Chip or Cherry...with the cherry bits, because one of my favourite childhood memories is when I'd walk over to my Great Grandmother's house in the summer, and she'd put down whatever garden tool she was using, and get us some cordial cherry ice cream from her well-stocked freezer. 

10. If You Could Have One Super Power What Would It Be?
To choose infinite super powers.

11. (Stealing This One) What Tattoo Would You Get If You Had To?
Something nasty written to someone in Circular Gallifreyan.

  1. What is your favourite website? 
  2. What is your favourite sound?
  3. What is your favourite type of music?
  4. Who is the one person you could be around for weeks on end and not get annoyed?
  5. Do you like...TURTLES? 
  6. What is your least favourite book that you have read? 
  7. Do you have any siblings? 
  8. What is one of your phobias? 
  9. Mac or PC? 
  10. What’s your favourite video game? 
  11. Where do you like to go on holiday?

(click the links to go to their pages)

~To those I have tagged:  Leave links to your finished posts/videos in the comments below, and I will add them to this post~

ALSO---Lilly and Nate, consider yourself Re-Tagged, even though you asked me these to begin with.

Ejler  (Bettenetzner Studios) 

Zane  (MindlessGuyStudios) 

Zealun (SmileyZdude) 

Elizabeth (TheJabberwocksDen)

Virginia (

Michael (

Ryan  (Kdude900   on reddit)

Lindsey (

Marina (

Jennifer (


(Lovely Wanderlust Dreams) 

I hope you all enjoyed this tag!    

Feel free to do this tag, and post your adaptations in the links below, even if I haven't specifically tagged you.   I TAG ALL OF MY READERS



-Ranger :3