Friday, July 29, 2011


Welcome to the return of Funny Pic Fridays!
I don't know whether to think that is funny...or just the most adowabibble picture ever.

I caught one of my friends meditating? during history class... and thought it deserved a run on mah blog.

Sadly I only have two for now :(

But if you haven't already, Read the previous post. it's got some important info!

-Smileyranger :3


The Chicken Smoothie TV page had to be cancelled because Sorren Fey (The evil mod) from Chicken Smoothie decided to go and delete the thread :(   Yeah...  go try the link in the post below....  it doesn't work.   Leave it to me to give you guys the bum link *Sobs in corner*

I apologize for sending you off on a short-lived wild goose chase to find that page.  Maybe I can get it back up there some day... *crosses fingers*

Whenever I get a chance,  I really need to get Windows XP installed on my MacBook pro so that I can run my old copy of Sim City 4 deluxe edition <3  I also need to get a new external keyboard and a connector so that my MacBook pro (Late 2010) can connect to my 20" dell LCD monitor! *Does happy dance*
It'll be awesome using my Macbook to play Sim City on a big-ish screen!       I'll have to post screenshots when I get a  chance, because I'm just so excited!   SimCity 4 is probably my favourite computer game, and I haven't gotten to play it in over a year....yeah, our last windows machine croaked over a year ago... wow...

Did you know that my typing speed has almost doubled since I started this blog?  I wonder if that ha anything to do with it?   'Twould be awesome if that's true, because then I could say that blogging is a good thing.

Would you guys mind if I put AdSense ads on here?  And If I did allow them to come up on the blog, would you guys click on them? Because every time you guys clicked on one of the ads, I'd get paid! Meaning that I'd be able to continue blogging for a longer period of time... and actually have a monetary reason to blog as well!

That's all for now....bye!

-Smileyranger :3

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Hey guys!  Did you see the new page? Chicken Smoothie TV?
it's a web-series for the website and forums of Chicken Smoothie with vlogs and other stuff!

Go here for all of the info!

-Smileyranger :3

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Underwater Videos!

Since my main camera is a Water-Proof Kodak Play-Sport, I got some great video of my friends and I at the pool!

Hopefully I'll get it uploaded soon!

-Smileyranger :3

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hello!   Did you watch the video?
That's me playing the Violin and Mandolin!
So I hope I pleased at least 1 or 2 of you Tetris fans out there.

I used the mandolin for the main melody, then I had an improv mandolin part, Improv violin (plucking) bass-line (G&D strings),  and then one more mandolin part (improv) and 3 more violin parts (bowed) in which I noodle around in that key hoping it sounds good.

Did you guys like the end result?  I think it's pretty good for 30 minutes on a Sunday night :3

See you guys tomorrow!

-Smileyranger :3

Monday, July 25, 2011

Awesome CS mods!

Hi guys!

Well, I was talking to one of the chicken smoothie moderators (Atwood) and he's been really helpful with questions and such.       Therefore, if you are on Chicken Smoothie and need to talk to a moderator, go to Atwood. not Sorren Fey. *Shudders*

I'd type more, but I'm really busy and need to go practice my mandolin.... bye!

-Smileyranger :3

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Tetris, Evil mods and more...

Hi!  Today I recorded a tetris theme 'cover'.  Maybe I'll upload it to my YouTube channel soon!  I'll keep ya posted! (Literally...)
Speaking of YouTube, I'm going to be having some friends over to make some skits, vlogs and such!  Who knows, we may do an all night vlog :P
I was on Chicken Smoothie this afternoon and made a cute little thread....  AND IT GOT DELETED.
I don't hate on the mods! Some of 'em are great!  But others..(won't call names) have been short, rude, and mean with me!

That's all for now....

-Smileyranger :3

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Hi guys!     I'm back!  

<apology>Before you even THINK about whining to me about my missing yet another "Funny Pic Fridays" I already found an awesome site that two of my good friends made: Click here so you can see this site before you die and/or use it to distract you from reading my absolutely pathetic blog post in which I will probably talk about nothing...which is really lame since I still haven't uploaded pics from my vacation... </apology>

So.. as you can tell by my pathetic attempt at humor (usually self deprecating)... I'm sorry for the anti-climatic post depicting my return to the online world.    But I am glad to be back,  so maybe I won't neglect this blog as much as I have 0.o

My extremely good friend "Vespertina97" has recently surpassed 1000 posts on the Chicken Smoothie forums.... Sadly, I still have only 680 posts :(       I won't hesitate to blame that on this blog though, because contrary to popular beliefs, my short brainless segments that resemble that of an autistic 5 year old's actually take quite sometime to put together and type.  ((I didn't joke about autism lightly... 'Cuz I'm autistic... But I hope you guys know that I'm just way too witty, smart, self bashing, and musically talented(?) to show many symptoms......))

Well, that's enough for now....   Hopefully you enjoyed the worst post on the worst blog...(Just Kidding)

See ya soon!

-Smileyranger :3

Monday, July 18, 2011

tomorrow through sunday

Hi!  I won't be able to blog again until sunday... SORRY!

-Smileyranger :3

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Challenge FAYUL...

So... how are my blog readers?  
Today I feel like typing a rather long post, even though I don't really have the time to do so...   But my addiction to this blog trumps out anything important that might be useful in life.  
So, as you might remember, a few posts back I decided to challenge my friends to see if they would comment on my blog without my telling them to.  This would prove that they either read my blog regularly or they didn't.  Well, hilariously enough, none of them responded xD   I'm not upset at all, I just found it rather funny that most of the time I'm blogging to random strangers :P  Although I do know that my friends give great support and I love them for being so awesome, and still being my friends after all the craziness that I've put them through for the past 7 years.  
Today I got out the big dell keyboard so I don't have to give myself carpal tunnel trying to deal with the flat keyboard and giant...GIANT palm-rests on My MacBook Pro.        Although, when sitting on a screened porch without plugging in your laptop...these USB devices sure do zap your battery life... *1.48 minutes later*... I guess I'd rather have carpal tunnel than have to walk the 35 feet to and from my bedroom to get the darn charger and plug it in... So I'm now back on my laptop keyboard...which is a rather nice keyboard....
So....    Tell me guys, Do you play Animal Crossing Wild World?
That's all for today!

-Smileyranger :3

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Blog meets world...

My blog, a creatively crafted creature, one who has drawn an increasingly definitive line between itself, and the real world.    Therefore, it is, in all reality, an escape. A truthful escape...but that still doesn't give it the best reputation in the world, now does it.    
And you should trust what I say, (But don't take it to the bank or smoke it...) but If you knew how kooky I was in real life, you probably wouldn't want to.    For example, Have you seen "Brick" from the Sitcom, "The Middle"?   If so, that's my best definition of myself.      (Except my voice isn't that high, and I'm obviously taller...)
Now that I've scared all of my friends, or anyone who might have been my friend, I apologize for running you off.   xD    (Seriously, though...  don't run off...) 
I want to give a shout out to my blogging friend, Emily who runs a great blog called: Tipping Over the Brink of Insanity
She's got some great articles and stuff, and you should definitely go follow her blog
————————————  My new Role Play site!  Please join!!

Well, that's all for now....

-Smileyranger :3


I apologize for the lack of funny pic fridays...

I've been really busy, and have had no time to look for funny pics :(

-Smileyranger :3

Friday, July 15, 2011

Read the blog, my minions :P

hey guys!   I'm back, for yet another weekend of blogging and such. (Because I haven't a life...)
So, anyway, how are my readers?    I'm back from a solid week of violin-ness so I'm tired, and trying to catch up with my blog, eMail, Yahoo! Groups, YouTube, Chicken Smoothie, Apple Fritter and MANY more places...
Did you see the Yahoo! Group in the sidebar?   Click on the page to go to it!   But first, eMail with your eMail so I can invite you to the G-Rated ByteMindedBrain Yahoo! Group.  Our jab at entering the social networking scene.  Because, with Yahoo! Groups, you can never go wrong.   (Do you use Yahoo! Groups?   Tell me in the comments if you do, if you did and how your experience is/was)
If you are one of my friends that is on the message board thingy, post below in the comments... I want to see how many of you guys actually read my blog.  lol
that's all for now!   byeeeeeee

-Smileyranger :3

BTW, I'm on Yahoo Pulse

Monday, July 11, 2011

Lemon Trees #2

Hey guys!  I've got the lemon seeds warming on the back of my slightly overheating iMac g3.   xD

-Smileyranger :3

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Lemon Trees

Hey guys!  today I got the urge to get some lemon seeds and try to grow a lemon tree!
Well, i'm trying to germinate the seeds....    

-Smileyranger :3

A week lacking in posts...

Hey guys!   This week is going to be super busy until saturday.... so if I don't post, please understand :)

-Smileyranger ;3

Saturday, July 9, 2011

New video soon!

Hey guys!   I'm going to be uploading a video soon in place of a blog post.  I figured it's easier to explain that topic via video rather than text.

Thanks for all the support and such!

-Smileyranger :3

Friday, July 8, 2011

Funny Picture Fridays #1

Here's the first installment of Funny Pic Fridays!     (Picture captions will be below the photos)

Why? WHY?     
Originally from FailBlog.

I feel a weight limit is needed....*
*Wow, I'm just jealous of the Mac SE 30...
Originally from FailBlog

'Screw' the government....Just kidding!
(from failblog)

I thought the slogan was 'Life Without Walls'...

originally from failblog


So,  Did you guys like the first installment of Funny Picture Fridays?  
I hope so!

Thanks for viewing my crazy blog XD

-Smileyranger :3

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Rave Reviews?

Hey guys!  I was just reading over my ChatBox comments and lemme tell ya,  I was made very VERY happy by this comment
"i'm glad that i have found your blog today, it really made my day!"
 Needless to say,  I'm very grateful to have such awesome viewers :)

"Emily said...

Hey Ranger, this is Emily Miles (that girl who's supposed to be head of script writing for Bettenetzner Studios, but doesn't have any idea what she's doing... :D ) and I just discovered your blog today. I really enjoyed reading through some of your posts (especially this particular one!). You really have an AWESOME blog! :D You have an awesome sense of humor! LOL! :D"

Thanks so much!      You guys have NO idea how happy it makes me to read your comments like this :3

Funny Pic Fridays?     

Yes!    Karen:) from Blue-Berry pi gave me the idea of posting all of the funny pics I've found on the web that week, and posting them here, EVERY FRIDAY!!!!   *Woot Woot* 
Well, that's all for now.....  And I'll end with a Large Font Goodbye!

-Smileyranger :3

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Yo, Dawg! XD

Yo, Dawg... XD

Yes, cute AND scary... I wonder what that baby looks like now.....

-Smileyranger :3

I have no title...

Welcome to what just might be one of the worst posts of the worst blog in the world wide web! </end self deprecating humor> 
So, are you guys?    I've been rather busy. So naturally, this blog took a bit of a backseat.  But I hope you guys liked the last post!  

I'm out of things to say... so.... until next time.....

-Smileyranger :3

Monday, July 4, 2011

A Rattled Recollection...

First note of the post:  
Remember, that's all I ask.
I sit here trying to make sense of the past week or so through many many pen-and-paper rough drafts with little (no) success whatsoever. So to be fair (and an honest human) I must warn you, be prepared, be very prepared for one of the worst multi-subject posts in blog history. 
Well, a quick update of a new sidebar widget-like gizmo I made!   It has all of the links to the social-type sites that I'm on so that you can follow and support me on those sites.  (These sites are MY favourite FaceBook and Twitter like sites)   I also recommend that you join the one called Chicken Smoothie if you haven't already.   One of the best forum communities I've ever used.  And if you join (one account per computer, mind you) Please please post in your signature that I referred you there.  It'll do wonders for my account there, believe me.    

And about the Apple Fritter site,  It's just a place where Apple computer enthusiasts come together and talk in a great bunch of forums!   Same as with CS (chicken smoothie) please post in your signature that I sent you there.    
Okay, I'm going to try to get on to the main point of this post....which is potentially deadly, costly, and...itchy.... *wipes off a glass shard* 

Okay, This all happened on my camping trip with my family.   'Twas a great trip!   We got to the park last Sunday and I started filming for a quick video montage that I'll have up for you guys soon.  But now back to the point....  
On friday we were wanting to go by the gift shop to see if we could get a physical memento of the trip.  And naturally, the gift shop would have the overpriced snack food.  But why would you buy state park food when you could O.D. on Munchos and SunDrop at the local market?   I assume you people understand. 
So we go to the market and get our *goods* and jump back in the car.    Dad pulls out of the dusty, syringe, gravel covered and jumps upon the road.  Now, with my luck pulling the world upon which I live to it's dirty, skint knees, a large piece of metal comes hurtling down the road!   It begins bouncing and we all expected it to hit the undercarriage,  but nooooo it slams against the hood and CRASHES into the windshield caving in a spot about the size of 1 square foot and a half dollar sized hole. After the impact, glass flies EVERYWHERE.   Thank God dad kept driving and didn't swerve and/or stop because we would have had quite the intimate relationship with a tanker truck...
So we drive trying to dodge still crumbling and flying glass shards.......  
After pulling into the campground once more, mom begins to have a *slight      (*Slight is a rather flexible term, dont ya think?)   Anywho, after many "in the boonies" related dropped calls to to insurance company, they said that they could get a replacement windshield into our currently undriveable car around tuesday.
Great...BESIDES the fact that I had to be home the. next. day. 
So long story short (inside joke) a nice auto-glass man came out and replaced it within 2 hours.  So luckily, we were able to come home the next day.

(I have a video of the "metal-shrapnel aftermath" I'll upload soon.)
I also wanted to make a 4th of July related post, but I'm already behind 3 topic days just getting this one out to you guys.  So, anyway, thanks for the blog support!

-Smileyranger :3

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Okay, I didn't get time to finish typing the long multi-point post for today.... It'll be out tomorrow.   I promise!

-Smileyranger ;3

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The story that DIDN'T get away...

I have a potentially deadly camping story for you guys!
Give me a while and I'll post it!

-Smileyranger :3