Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I know.... I'm horribly lazy for skipping yesterday's post. But then again, you have to admit that I'm much more reliable then most bloggers....say it.

I still don't have a follower at the point... Of course, My ChatBox proves that I do have true visitors! Okay... I admit it's probably advertisement spam :P

I was just watching some old "apple //e" ads. Wow, those things are Awesome! 
I guess it's a testimony to the longevity of apple products.  Believe it or not, one of those computers can still browse the internet.  Shall I repeat? A 1984 Apple //e can still browse the internet!

Today there is a water leak in the basement from the AC condensation pump.  It's in the high 80˚ƒ - 90˚ƒ today... Not really hot, but very very muggy in the south. I was on the screened porch with my MacBook Pro earlier and it got so hot that it felt like the Aluminum was burning my legs.

Anyway, I have to go for now.

-Smileyranger :3

Monday, May 30, 2011


Sorry I don't have any good posts today.
I'll try to make a good one tomorrow :)

-Smileyranger :3

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Blog Owl...

I'm sorry that I'm just now getting this post out.  I've been kinda lazy and just blah feeling today. Sorry :P
Today I was trying fingerpicking on my Mandolin and found it rather efficient and nice. Many more note and chord possibilities.  Albeit not as loud as crosspicking, but still very, very neat.  But enough of that.
I'm going to be putting out some more YouTube skits within 2 weeks. I'm having some friends over to help with camera work. I'll be in charge of the editing. Maybe I should upgrade from iMovie to Final Cut Pro. Although, I don't really feel like spending that much, and that much time on and learning new software...

Random Apple logo :)

-Smileyranger :3

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Computers :3

Computers... Our online workhorses. Almost magical machinery. Well, to me anyway.  Because when you have gone from typing commands on an //e with a green monochromatic screen, to the 1984 macintosh with the *ghasp* mouse, to the internet, bulletin boards, forums, websites etc. is quite amazing.  I sit here with my MacBook Pro typing a blog, thinking back at the old //e systems, running BBSes.
Think about it.

-Smileyranger :3

Friday, May 27, 2011

Thank you :3

I had written a post earlier, but my computer messed up BlogSpot and it kinda made me mad.
But what I wanted to do was thank my friends who have helped me get this blog started.
I luffles you guys for putting up with such a dorky person like me :)  Or as Gina would say, "Adorkable".
I wish there was a way to thank all of you and just well, explain how much it means to have friends that I can just be myself around.

-Smileyranger :3

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Nothing to post....

Well, so far, I can't think of anything to blog about. All I really did today was pick up some sheet music, go to Dollar General and go BACK to Dollar General to get some corn chips. 
But what struck me as funny was watching (I assigned these names) Shananay, De-shawn, Bon-qui-qui, and friends "converse"... Okay... they probably wanted to shoot me on the spot, but yeah, I laughed.  But hey, it's their fault for using they're  Ghetto-on-ese way of speech.

-Smileyranger :3

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Ignorance is blissfully... Unnerving....

Ignorance, something we treasure, and something we question...

After a "Domestic Dispute" In mah 'hood, (Involves 80+ year old dealing "Relaxation Pills" from a power chair…) it was only fitting to go to the police station to get a police report.  Now the car has no AC, mind you. So I didn't want to leave my mandolin in the car. So I was proudly toting a LARGE BLACK CASE (Sawed off shotgun much?) to the police station….   After passing many cops, I got out with NO-ONE NOTICING! 

-Smileyranger :3

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Good Things Disappear?

It's true... Even though Japan's earthquake is out of the mainstream media, please, DON'T FORGET about the awful earthquake.  If we don't help, we'll lose all of our Japanese Geniuses! Shigeru Miyamoto much? (Creator of Donkey Kong and Mario)
So we must continue to REMEMBER what happened that fateful day.

-Smileyranger :3

Blog-a-log-a-blo....Was I bothering you?

Another rant?
Maybe...but probably not.
Okay...yeah...it is....
Why do they *Force* kids to drink milk in public schools? You know, the hormone encrusted obesity fluid  kind found at yo' local Dollar General.

What good does it do when you have the 'Guv-Ment tryin' to put "Healthy?" foods out there, and then give them...That...
I mean, they could be om nom nommin' on Sun Drop soda and be better off...  
So let's protest to make water an option! 

-Smileyranger :3

Monday, May 23, 2011


Haha. Yeah...
Don't you just HATE it when people greet you with a non specific question such as "Waddaya know?" Yup... I know you do... I guess we all do. So why not help end it. 
Okay. Imma go set those people straight... 
Have a <3 and don't be rude. Just don't carry on that tradition. Once the current generation of whaddya-know-ers has died, your children of whom you have taught this wisdom can be the fresh batch, not influenced by such an annoying quick-think-fast-so-I-can-catch-you-off-guard-catch-phrase  *Brain gears sputter and die* 

That was a meaningful post of wisdom, wasn't it :)

-Smileyranger :3

Of cour$e, I don't blog for monetary rea$on$.....

Yup! Well, not yet anyway...
I sure hope you guys won't mind if I insert one tiny spot for some AdSense ads.
I think that it would be good, because I won't feel as if I'm wasting my time because I will be getting paid to ramble... 
Okay, I'm awake now :)
See you in the next post!

-Smileyranger :3

Blah...OOH! SOMETHING SHINY! *Runs off*

Aah yes...  I bet you can already sense that I am a very very  ADD blogger.
So here's my question: Do you guys want very organized beginning-middle-end blog posts or just a free for all...well, free for me, rather. Because I'm the only one posting but yeah... you get what I mean.
I think that if you guys send me questions and topics, I can post stuff about them.

I think that's all for now so...bye!

-Smileyranger :3

The first post...

Obviously,  a lot of times, the first post pretty much defines the mood and feel of the blog which I hope doesn't happen today.  Because the things in this blog will often be so random that there's no particular plot or reason for it.  This now involves YOU. I would like comments to be posted in the well... comments area.
I would appreciate topics to talk about as well.
I will also be embedding vlogs and other videos from my YouTube channel: youtube.com/smileyranger
So expect a very Intellectually based and thought out blog.  
And before you ask:
"What kind of computer do you use to blog with?" 
I can answer you with:
Hardware Overview:

  Model Name: MacBook Pro
  Model Identifier: MacBookPro7,1
  Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
  Processor Speed: 2.4 GHz
  Number Of Processors: 1
  Total Number Of Cores: 2
  L2 Cache: 3 MB
  Memory: 4 GB
  Bus Speed: 1.07 GHz

I find all of that info rather relevant to this blog because there's a lot of bloggers that use macs. No, we're not the stereotypical hipsters that used  computers before they were cool  

But if you want to be the crazy cat lady browsing "I Can Has Cheezburger" on her  "Windows XP e-Machines" Desktop... More power to you... Wait.... never mind... of course she probably still uses hotmail  with her dial-up. Does anyone here remember Netscape?  

Well, that's enough  for now. Besides, you're probably thinking I'm the most accurate stereotype of an   user ever...

-Smileyranger :3