Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Well, I've let you guys down, haven't I...
In fact, NO!  Go to my youtube channel, (Banner in blog header) to see all of the vids I've put up in place of blog posts!

-Smileyranger :3

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Hi!  I've been really busy with YouTube... Go to my channel  (Click on banner in blog header) to see what I've been doing!

-Smileyranger :3

Thursday, August 25, 2011

of beaches, nerds, and sunburns xD

Hey! How are my blog readers?  

I've been at the beach all day wit' mah friendz xD

Most of the time we played truth or dare...which got WAY out of hand... But what do you expect from a bunch of crazy homeschoolers.

-Smileyranger :3

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I know I've said I'll have the camping log out soon....   It may take a week or more... since it's pretty long, and I want to make it funny for you guys!  

So, sorry for all of the excuses...   I apologize for neglecting my lovely blog because I got a Google Plus account. I promise, this blog is my text-based social networking platform of choice!  

Also, i'm planning some celebration for my 100th blog post on here!   Wow, I can't believe that this blog has had almost 100 xD

-Smileyranger :3

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Late post...

I'm still working on my camping log.... I'll have it out soon!


-Smileyranger :3

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Hey guys!  I'm back from my trip!  My epic trip log will be up here shortly...

-Smileyranger :3

Tuesday, August 16, 2011



Blog posts will resume on the 21st, after my vacation!

-Smileyranger :3

Sunday, August 14, 2011

jp'jh'g rwRGmfm

Gibberish,   the title fits this post so well, it's not even funny....

So, anyway, yesterday I bought the book 1984 by George Orwell!  I can't wait to start on it...  I hope it's good! ((Well, seeing as how I sat down, and read Animal Farm all in one sitting, I know I'lll like this one. xD))     Yeah, so PLEASE don't give any spoilers in the comments section....  I love it already since by page 3, I'm already creeped out 0.o
Right now ALL except for one of my chicken smoothie friends are offline!.... So, on a Sunday morning such as this....I'm bored out of my little brain filled gourd >.<
I'm needing YouTube vlog/skit ideas, and have none...  I really need to upload another video if I ever hope to gain more subscribers.    Maybe I can get a sustainable and growable audience of 100+ subscribers by the end of the year.  I want to get my 3 closest friends and I, in front of a camera, and record our conversations, and see how they evolve...Kind of like a pointless talk show.   That's bound to bring in a few subscribers....right?    
Of course, we'll keep the conversations clean for the camera, so all can watch it.  Although, that could prove to be a bit of a challenge, we'll still try to keep a PG-13 and below conversation policy xD :3.
Well, I guess that's all I've got to say for now....

-Smileyranger :3

Saturday, August 13, 2011


*does happy dance*

I think I sealed in a spot in the orchestra!

-Smileyranger :3

Friday, August 12, 2011

Here's a screenshot from my friend Marina's YouTube Channel!

She is an editing pro, and really deserves a shout out!

-Smileyranger :3

A Vlog From The Zoo...COMING SOON!

So....  I haven't updated the blog in a while....SORRY!

I've been busy preparing for my orchestra audition tomorrow!  Wish me luck!
Did you see my last video I put up?  You know, the one where peeps got murdered?  If not, go back to the previous post for the link to it.   It had some rather dangerous parts that I took out of the final cut of the video.    
I wish I had a full time video editor like ShayCarl does....  It takes me FOREVERRRRR  to get the shortest of videos how I want them in iMovie. Although, since my web-based entrepreneur-ness has brought in NO revenue whatsoever, I probably wouldn't be able to afford that for more than 3 days xD
I recorded about 20 minutes of my brother and I at the Zoo today... I'll try to maybe have the editing done by Sunday.   A long shot, but MAYBE by then.  

So hopefully you can wait patiently and put up with my random blog posts that will probably get me no-where in life *headdesk*
But it's like an addiction, and blogging is just so darn fun that it's hard NOT to want to keep on rambling, because you KNOW that SOMEONE is going to read what you've written.  Hopefully it's not pedo-neighbour down the road that drives a panel van 0.o   ((Seriously, I'm not lying...))
I've been on craigslist looking at how much I might have to fork out to get a new iphone this fall, and I'm rather afraid I won't have enough money 0.o   Although, I'm thinking of it as a short term investment that will act as a tool to make my YouTube channel's vlogs, and blog posts better.   Because I'll be able to vlog anywhere, and directly upload it, pulling in lots of viewers which = $$.
I hope that I can give my viewers and readers what they want, and if you'd like to suggest video and blog topics, tell me in the chatbox in the sidebar, or in the comments below! ((Did you get the RayWilliamJohnson joke?))

-Smileyranger :3

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sunday, August 7, 2011

3 days running...............0.o

Wow, 3 days in a row... with blog posts!  *w00t w00t*  
So...   How've you guys been?       I've been great!  My friend's (Lizzeh's) Chicken Smoothie thread HERE has been growing about 15 PAGES per day!   I'm kinda like 2nd in command, there...So if you spam it, PREPARE TO DIEEEEE....   Speaking of spam, go to this thread HERE to see how an EVIL moderator locked another thread that my friend Zealun made.

So, if you've a heart, please go and try to save that thread!!!  *Marches with torch in hand*

-Smileyranger :3

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Violin and more...

*Phew*  I just got done practicing my violin for now... I've been really putting in the hours.   I've got to try out for the Rep. Orchestra at Blair (Vanderbilt University) on Saturday and  I'm REALLY nervous.   0.o  

Anyway, on today of all days, my A-String decides to unravel xD
So, this is now a bit of a stress relieving method...I mean, blogging is.    

So, if you scroll down to the very bottom of my blog, or click HERE you will see my new Apple Computers Message board!   Go try it out!  It's free, and if you are a regularly posting member, I'll make you a moderator!

So,   I have 800 posts on Chicken Smoothie as of today!   Maybe I'll get to 1000 before long. (I hope...)  Seeing as how all of my friends ((Well, most of them)) are already nearing 2000 :P

*Chuckles awkwardly*

As usual, I am running out of things to say, which is proving to be quite annoying, since I should, ideally, have tons to write, and so little time to write it.  But we ALL know that is not true...

So, see you guys later!  

-Smileyranger :3

Friday, August 5, 2011

HELLO! *Taps mic*

How are you guys?   It's been a long time, hasn't it!     I'm sorry 'bout that.  I just got my priorities either (A)Mixed Up or (B) In Order.

Before that gets out of hand, I'd like to say thank you, for helping get the blog view counter over 1500 views!       You guys have pretty much made my week.   I'm excited to think that I've got a bit of an online following.     Also, go check out the new video I uploaded.  It's in my YouTube widget down in the sidebar.    It's short, but funny.   xD

Do you guys want to support my YouTube channel?   if so, please subscribe!  If I can get 500 subscribers, I'll apply for a YouTube Partnership!      My YouTube goal is to get to go to vidcon!  *woot woot*   VIDCON 2012 xD

Seriously though, a YouTube partnership is a big deal, and can become a good source of revenue for the channel and this blog.

I was sitting last night, thinking about my blog, whether I should have started out with my own hosting, used wordpress, or whether just making a Blogger Blog was a good idea...   I know maybe I don't have all of the customization abilities and such, but I like my blog just fine how it is, and maybe if it gets popular, Google will help me out with some of the HTML stuff :P

Why smileyranger doesn't use MySpace/FaceBook/Twitter/DailyBooth/GooglePlus etc. 

Well, I'm a major non-conformist, and as you can tell, I march to the beat of my own drum.  I've some friends that are constantly asking if I'll join FaceBook, and I tell them, I don't want to go with the flow of the crowd,  the Big Brother of the Internet. (Comment if you liked my 1984 joke xD)  I chose blogging as an outlet for whatever I wanted to say, and just love the style, the format, all of it really.   It's a more personal format, and then it isn't. I can't really define it. I'm usually horrid at defining things, but for some reason, I love finding the meaning of many things.  Such as life? As a Christian, I know I'm not just here to die, but this world is a test, a roller coaster with no seatbelts. We try to see how well we can stay in our seats before we fall out, (die) to meet our judgement day.       Does that make any sense?   I have many theories and such, and have just not typed them up or recorded them for YouTube.

So now you have just learned how to make polish sausage, and why I don't use FaceBook.

Moving on......... *Fumbles tie* 

My friend "Lizzeh"just said I should use this blog to tell detailed descriptions of my day, using tons and tons of fluffy adjectives to make it seem as if were an epic... imagine, my day, an epic.   Yeah, an epic fail xD
For someone else, that would have been a great idea... and maybe later this fall, it'll be a good idea for me to use already :P ((Not that it isn't, I just don't have the most exciting of days...))
Although, come to think of it, getting bit by a goose was fun..... Who knew my finger could look like a Cheez-It to one 0.o


Thanks for all of your support, and kindness!    I <3 you guys!

-Smileyranger :3

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Behold, A NEW POST!

Hey!  I promise I didn't let this blog die...
I'll try to get good posts and such out tomorrow...

-Smileyranger :3

Bear with me...

I've been really busy, and won't be able to get a post out until later this afternoon...SORRY!!!

-Smileyranger :3

Monday, August 1, 2011


I'm sorry I didn't get to make a new post I made a vlog

-Smileyranger :3