What I really wanted to tell you guys about is the new and awesome blog of my good friend Lilly. The URL is paper-doll-box.blogspot.com

On this blog she posts about her life, awesome things and awesome people as well as some pretty freaking cool instagram pics!
I'd definitely check out her blog if I were you and go follow it. She should also be in a vlog I have yet to edit, so I will post another link to it there.
So far this post has been typed on an iPod touch because at this point my MacBook pro is almost unusable because of the filled hard drive. The solution to my problems would be to go to the apple store and make a genius bar appointment, but because I live about an hour away and can't drive yet, it's still going to be another week or so without a vlog. But I can promise that the next vlog I upload will be about the Hunger Games :3
Well, thanks for reading and all of your support. Also, if you see an ad at the bottom of the page that seems like it'd be something that suits your taste, clicking on it helps support the blog and my videos! (warning: some of the ads may be malicious and have viruses)
-Ranger :3
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