Monday, April 16, 2012

In which I seem to do things wrong.

So,  recently one of my seemingly diligent followers sent me a message in my ChatBox saying that my font was weird and hard to read.   Okay.  One opinion.  Meh.   You guys need to tell me if you like it.  I'll change it if I can get 3 comments below saying how evil you all think it is.   Note:  these comments have to be from MULTIPLE PEOPLE.   No creating 3 accounts either.  I can spot a troll 56k away.  

Look at this photo of a Bearded Iris I took!     The macro settings worked good---especially for a $99 old Kodak Easyshare that's beat to pieces xD    Oh how I long for thee Canon Rebel T3i.....  

I'm camera rambling...  FORGIVE MEEEEE.

Herp a derp.

Somehow I'm on my friend's favourites bar.  I really don't post anything worthy of putting myself there, but hey,  good blogging is in the eye of the ever judgemental beholder.

Well...I gotta go to bed guys xD  

-Ranger :3



  1. Okay. I, for one, agree that the current font is pretty hard to read. It makes reading your blog posts hard to read quickly. Not that I'd want to, but you know. Sorry, I'm rambling. =)

  2. Well...yes, I would agree, it's a little bit hard on the old eyes =)

  3. I agree too... heh. I have to squint!

  4. You guys win xD

    I'll change it within the hour!
