After just 5 minutes with the clean layout and the new side scrolling design, I was hooked, posting statuses one after the other, and just now, I've changed my cover photo.
Unlike the old MySpace...this feels...natural. It feels like it should have all along, or at least in my opinion anyway. Although, I don't think this extreme minimalism would have been all that popular back, oh, say, 5 years ago, when FaceBook was beginning to usurp what MySpace had.
Another thing that seems to be changing the site is it's people, mostly creative people who have a great dislike for FaceBook, and want to use something radically new. This is much better than what we have seen in the past, which was primarily 16 year old girls with hair extensions and duckfaces with emo friends.
It's quite the refreshing change from what the normal social network is.
Have any of you joined?
If so, come nag me on my page! CLICK HERE
It's a public page so feel free to post comments on my posts. I'm on there quite a bit, so I will reply in a timely manner to most things.
In other news, I made an intro of a sort for my videos.
It took quite a while to edit, actually, and it's only half finished. Oh well.
Thanks for reading.
-Ranger ^^
((As an added bonus, I present to you some doodles I have done on an iPad))
Haha, very cool! =)