Hi guys! I'm back!
<apology>Before you even THINK about whining to me about my missing yet another "Funny Pic Fridays" I already found an awesome site that two of my good friends made: Click here so you can see this site before you die and/or use it to distract you from reading my absolutely pathetic blog post in which I will probably talk about nothing...which is really lame since I still haven't uploaded pics from my vacation... </apology>
So.. as you can tell by my pathetic attempt at humor (usually self deprecating)... I'm sorry for the anti-climatic post depicting my return to the online world. But I am glad to be back, so maybe I won't neglect this blog as much as I have 0.o
My extremely good friend "Vespertina97" has recently surpassed 1000 posts on the Chicken Smoothie forums.... Sadly, I still have only 680 posts :( I won't hesitate to blame that on this blog though, because contrary to popular beliefs, my short brainless segments that resemble that of an autistic 5 year old's actually take quite sometime to put together and type. ((I didn't joke about autism lightly... 'Cuz I'm autistic... But I hope you guys know that I'm just way too witty, smart, self bashing, and musically talented(?) to show many symptoms......))
Well, that's enough for now.... Hopefully you enjoyed the worst post on the worst blog...(Just Kidding)
See ya soon!
-Smileyranger :3
LOL! Your friends' website was pretty funny! Thanks for sharing! :D