Friday, July 29, 2011


The Chicken Smoothie TV page had to be cancelled because Sorren Fey (The evil mod) from Chicken Smoothie decided to go and delete the thread :(   Yeah...  go try the link in the post below....  it doesn't work.   Leave it to me to give you guys the bum link *Sobs in corner*

I apologize for sending you off on a short-lived wild goose chase to find that page.  Maybe I can get it back up there some day... *crosses fingers*

Whenever I get a chance,  I really need to get Windows XP installed on my MacBook pro so that I can run my old copy of Sim City 4 deluxe edition <3  I also need to get a new external keyboard and a connector so that my MacBook pro (Late 2010) can connect to my 20" dell LCD monitor! *Does happy dance*
It'll be awesome using my Macbook to play Sim City on a big-ish screen!       I'll have to post screenshots when I get a  chance, because I'm just so excited!   SimCity 4 is probably my favourite computer game, and I haven't gotten to play it in over a year....yeah, our last windows machine croaked over a year ago... wow...

Did you know that my typing speed has almost doubled since I started this blog?  I wonder if that ha anything to do with it?   'Twould be awesome if that's true, because then I could say that blogging is a good thing.

Would you guys mind if I put AdSense ads on here?  And If I did allow them to come up on the blog, would you guys click on them? Because every time you guys clicked on one of the ads, I'd get paid! Meaning that I'd be able to continue blogging for a longer period of time... and actually have a monetary reason to blog as well!

That's all for now....bye!

-Smileyranger :3

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm...I wouldn't mind the ads. But I don't know about actually clicking on them. It would depend on what they were for. :D But I say, "Go for it anyway!" You might actually get something! :D LOL!
