Sunday, May 27, 2012

The electronic messiah.

Yup.  That's right.  
I finally bought a LAPTOP STAND.        Typing is so much easier now, and my aluminum encased byte-child won't overheat when I'm playing Minecraft or Spore.

I now have virtually no need for an external keyboard.   This makes my white desk look beautifully minimalist amidst my brother's stuff on the adjacent shelving unit.

As long as it doesn't damage the computer by scratching it, I'm very satisfied with this product.    Best part about it?   It was $1.00 at the Dollar Tree.  


How did I forget to mention that I've had this blog for 1 year and 4 days!    It doesn't sem like it's been that long, but I guess it has.  Wow.   2011 went by fast, and 2012 seems to be following suit.   It's kinda sad, but hey,  I can't do anything about it.

-Ranger :3


  1. Awesome! =D Minecraft, huh? I know a couple people who are rather...hooked, I guess, on it. =) lol

    I'll be hitting a year here soon,'re so right-2011 and 2012 have been flying by crazy fast!!!!

    1. Minecraft really is that addicting xD You'd probably enjoy it! It's definitely worth the $26.00. Plus, that's not bad for one of the biggest open ended games ever :D

      Also, thanks for the comment on the other post as well :3

      I also hope to be doing a bit more blogging as well.
      My YouTube channel lost 4 subs over the weekend, so I need to work on that audience as well! :)

  2. Lol, yeah, Ejler hooked David on it...I'm sure I would enjoy it-but I need to work on using my time more productively, especially since it's limited. ;) lol

    You're very welcome! =)

    Aw, that stinks! =P I hope you get them back! =)

    1. Did Ejler give you guys a Log-In code to play it?

      Yeah, I'm bad about using my time too xD

    2. Apparently Ejler's letting David use his account...David keeps telling me about everything that can be done on it. It does sound pretty cool! But yeah, it seems pretty time-consuming and addicting. XD lol

      Maybe I'll add that to my long list of to-dos for this summer. =P lol
