Saturday, May 26, 2012

Long time no see!

Either I have found a burst of initiative or my inferiority complex is kicking in.  It has to be ONE of those two because I've actually got a decent post here somewhat planned out.  Shocking, I know, but not too horribly far fetched if you think about it.

So,  I know that I promised a super duper cool video of a sorts to all of you, but......It'll be a while before it's finished.  SORRY!     I have two more videos to make before that one is uploaded.

They should be done soon as well as an end of season special thingy for the vlogs, because it'll be my 9th vlog.  (or something like that)  
I find it slightly amusing that I'm praising myself for uploading nearly 10 vlogs.  It's not like I'm a CTFxC-er or a ShayTard Rebellionite with 1000+ vlogs.

I need to stop whining. seriously.

Emily,  I need to try to blog as well as you do xD  Seriously, your posts are awesome.   I'll definitely link your blog in the left sidebar where I link those types of things.
(BTW,  Happy 15th birthday as well!     I saw where you posted that on your blog!)

Anyway,  my homeschool co-op is having Field Day in a few days and wow....It seems just like a few weeks since we had last year's.  It's also wild looking back on the video I filmed then, at how much older everybody looks.   I think we all grew a foot...well, except for me.  I'm destined to be the shrimp ;)

I think it's going to be "Wild West" themed with a saloon set up on the porch and stuffs.   Hopefully I can help make the props and stuffs on Wednesday.  Cardboard and Duct-Tape  FTW.  

Welp, it's really late.  Gotta go.  KBAI :3

-Ranger :3

1 comment:

  1. Aw, thanks, Ranger!! It's encouraging to know that *somebody* likes it. =P lol I'm hoping to post more frequently this summer. We'll see if that happens or not. XD lol

    But your posts are always really awesome too!! I always find them rather entertaining. Keep up the good work! =)

    Looking forward to the videos! ;D
