Monday, November 5, 2012

For once...a tag that doesn't itch.

TAGGED BY Nate and Lilly
Rule 1: Post the rules
2: Answer the questions the tagger set for you and then make 11 new ones.
3: Tag 11 people and link them to your post.
4: Let them know you have tagged them.

Theowlofgallifrey’s Questions:

1:If you had to choose one event in time and change the outcome, what would it be and how would you change it?
This is an odd question, for if I changed anything but the present, I could majorly screw up the future.
Which would be bad...if the "future" is now...and...I might wind up not being born. Any real Time Lord Sunflower would have thought that one through. ;)

2: If you could live one day in the life of anyone (fictional or not), who would it be?
Well, I am...very...reluctant to adapt to new things in general, so having to live the life of someone else would be weird. Very weird. I'd hate it.

3: Where do you hope to see yourself in five years?
First of all, the fact that I will be 19 then is rather horrifying to think about at the time. But I hope I will be well into college, and maybe even close to being done. I also hope that I will be in good health, not burn any bridges with the girl I adore, and have a good job.

4: What would you title your memoir?
In which I actually thought for a second that people would want to read about me. 

5: What was the first book you truly “read” on your own after learning how to read?
Charlotte's web, I was 3, and I loved it. 

6: What’s your biggest fear?
Right's that I'm going to say something...that will...hurt someone I love very much.

7: Do you ever wish you were famous?
Not in a normal sense, because I can't change myself that much for other people...because I do have a little bit of self respect, contrary to popular belief. 

8: Do you play an instrument?
Yes, the Violin and Mandolin, and I want to try the Guitar, Bass, and Piano, so that I can flesh out my creations to a more refined point.  I have so may ideas floating around that if I could, on my own, at least begin to stretch some skin on their musical skeletons, It'd be very nice.

9: What’s one book you wish they’d turn into a movie?
None.  How about that. They always get ruined. Now, if you want to give me 1,000,000 quid and some willing actors, I might agree to making a movie after a book.

10: What is one of your favorite childhood memories?
Well, I quite enjoyed trips to the Alabama coast, where I would get up to all sorts of sand coated shenanigans.

11: If you could teleport anywhere in the world at this very moment, where would you teleport to?
I think 90% of you know where I'd tell me what you think in the comments. 

PaperDollBox’s Questions

1. What Do You Wanna Be When You Grow Up
Well, I hope that I will be content, yet, content in a way that makes me want to strive to be better. 

2. What Planet Would You Live On If You Could Choose.
Gallifrey  ;)

3. Top 2 Favorite Names (One Girl One Boy)
Why are you asking me this?   *noodly arms* 

4.  Whats Your Favorite Scent and Why?
Nothing...clean nothingness. 

5.  Whats You Spirit Animal and Why?
Any animal that is sarcastic and is a sociopath.

6. Whats You Favorite Outfit?
Whatever is clean.   AKA Blue wool socks, camo crocs, blue jeans, a random T shirt and a weird hat.  

7. How Many Fingers Am I Holding Up? (hehehehe)
1.  The third finger from your left on your right hand. 

8. When Do You Think You Will Be 100% Happy?
How will I ever know if I am? 

9. Favorite Type Of Ice Cream 
Mint Chocolate Chip or Cherry...with the cherry bits, because one of my favourite childhood memories is when I'd walk over to my Great Grandmother's house in the summer, and she'd put down whatever garden tool she was using, and get us some cordial cherry ice cream from her well-stocked freezer. 

10. If You Could Have One Super Power What Would It Be?
To choose infinite super powers.

11. (Stealing This One) What Tattoo Would You Get If You Had To?
Something nasty written to someone in Circular Gallifreyan.

  1. What is your favourite website? 
  2. What is your favourite sound?
  3. What is your favourite type of music?
  4. Who is the one person you could be around for weeks on end and not get annoyed?
  5. Do you like...TURTLES? 
  6. What is your least favourite book that you have read? 
  7. Do you have any siblings? 
  8. What is one of your phobias? 
  9. Mac or PC? 
  10. What’s your favourite video game? 
  11. Where do you like to go on holiday?

(click the links to go to their pages)

~To those I have tagged:  Leave links to your finished posts/videos in the comments below, and I will add them to this post~

ALSO---Lilly and Nate, consider yourself Re-Tagged, even though you asked me these to begin with.

Ejler  (Bettenetzner Studios) 

Zane  (MindlessGuyStudios) 

Zealun (SmileyZdude) 

Elizabeth (TheJabberwocksDen)

Virginia (

Michael (

Ryan  (Kdude900   on reddit)

Lindsey (

Marina (

Jennifer (


(Lovely Wanderlust Dreams) 

I hope you all enjoyed this tag!    

Feel free to do this tag, and post your adaptations in the links below, even if I haven't specifically tagged you.   I TAG ALL OF MY READERS



-Ranger :3

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