Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Holiday Irony and More.

That video.  Yeah, that one up there. Why don't you click on it, it's got my friends and I in it.   That's usually enough to get you minions to click on the nonsense I upload, right?
If not, I'm going to have to rethink a lot of things.  And that would involve actual work, wouldn't it. Yeah...not going there.   Not to say that I'm a very lazy blogger, I'm just quite tired at the moment and don't feel like opening final cut again and re-editing the video.

In other news, or lack thereof, tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and, provided that we can all ignore the Nicole Westbrook song that was recently dropped on our unforgiving ears, we should be able to get on with the day like any other normal human would.
And, while we're on the subject, was the black guy in that turkey suit from the aforementioned video the same guy that was creepin' the limo in "Friday"?   Coincidence, I think not.

Yesterday I went to a local mall, spending about half an hour perusing the Apple Store.  This usually leads to many things.  First, I stare blankly at my now 3 year old iPod, partially hiding it from the employees in shame, whilst part of me wants to hold it in the air, proud of having it so long.   The latter applied when I proudly brought my then 12 year old laptop to the genius bar one day.     Now my current computer is only 2 years old, and compared to what I used in the store, it's already feeling sluggish.  Either I have a virus, or Apple's reality distortion field is kicking in, big time.
Even my dad fell in love with the new iPad 4.

After that portion of the outing we made our way to the Whole Foods, which, for someone who has to eat Gluten Free is a dietary Mecca.  Need I say more?

There wasn't a whole lot I did after that, so, I leave you, with a short sub par post, and the hopes that I will film my family's antics, or lack thereof tomorrow on the holiday in which we are supposed to give thanks, but instead pass out on the couches of relatives with a headache and a burnt hand from when *insert relative here*  dropped that pot of coffee on you.

Thanks for reading, and supporting my internet existence, or whatever it is that you do.

-Ranger :3

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