Provocative titles are quite entertaining, are they not?
Well, at least sometimes.
It's rather humorous to see how your mind immediately reacts to such titles, for sometimes you perceive them as completely innocent, and other times you view them as hilariously inappropriate.
I am sorry to announce to you that this time it is quite innocent, for this post will focus on ideas, and how to stretch some skin across them, subsequently fleshing them out.
Over the past week or so, a creative dry spell has been broken, the jar containing its contents bashed upon the ground like a ship carrying secrets is dashed upon the rocks, spilling the contents into the ocean.
I have been bombarded with ideas, which is a wonderful thing, an idealogical godsend.
To a certain extent.
What I mean by this is that I am now befuddled by the copious collections of thoughts traveling, making their way across my brain all willy nilly, and with this many epiphanies erupting all at once, I have no way to effectively prioritize and organize them. As silly as this seems, for me, at least it's true. Yes, I could write them all down, and then go from there, but unless I comb through every single idea and ride that horse into the ground, I will never know the full importance of it. Lets say...each idea contains 5 tasks, and each task takes 48 hours to complete...and I have 67 ideas. (That's not true, but at least it serves as a good example.) So, I now have no choice but to trek through these potential creativity caverns in hopes of finding something good.
Now, I know what many of you are thinking, I WILL be able to know what the really bad ones are, just by thinking about them for about 5 minutes.
And this is now the perfect segway into the second realm of this post.
People who feel the need to tell the internet and their friends every little thing they have ever done just because they feel like it is a good idea because of reasons unknown to the majority of the people that they are around.
I know I am not the only one bothered by this, and I have caught myself participating in this horrid act quite a few times, which is, I guess slightly justifiable since I bide my spare time building an internet audience that is here partly because I am some sort of an internet personality. (Which puzzles me quite a bit, since I rather lack a personality.)
One thing that I would like to clarify, is that this rant only truly applies to those who feel the need to post every single mundane task or everyday emotion that they encounter, racking up 10+ posts each hour. COME ON. We've all felt that way before.
Now one group of people that this doesn't really apply to is the daily vlogging crowd out there, because they usually know where to draw the line so that things stay interesting, like the ShayTards, or CTFxC.
These are two of the top daily vlogging channels, and I think that these people that post all too much, could learn a lot just by watching 1-2 videos from each channel.
That said, I shall end this rant, and go on with my life.
Thank you for reading, and if you want me to write something for your site, shoot me an eMail at and we'll work things out, and I'll have a post ready for you within your given time constraints. (Also, I can work much faster if you can set a few post guidelines/think of what it is exactly you want me to post.)
-Ranger :3
Wow, sounds like you've got a pretty tough amount of ideas to sort through! Unfortunately, my dilemma is often not too many ideas, but too few...=P lol