Wednesday, June 29, 2011

More posts coming soon!

Daily posts will be back starting this weekend!
Also, a new video/vlog will be here soon!

-Smileyranger :3

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sorry about the neglected blog....

Hi guys! sorry about the neglected blog...
I'll try to make it up to you with a good post.

and due to the fact that I'm going to be busy, my next big post will be on Wednesday.  hopefully it'll be a good one.
Yesterday I was thinking. Will I still be updating this blog in oh, say... 5 years from now?  Will work and such get in the way, or will this blog be a source of revenue?  If so, will blogger even exist then? And I assume that if my blog is popular, Google might transfer my account to a different service so that I can still have the same blog with all of the old posts.   So I guess the only way to tell is to just keep blogging down this road called life, and invite you guys along for the journey...via my blog.
On a rather unrelated note, I noticed that the keys on my 13'' Core2Duo MacBook Pro that I've had for 7 months has...Shiny slightly worn keys!  Oddly enough, I find that very neat because well, It's now *my* MacBook that I've put some wear on.  Although, A scratch would make me super uber sad, for I have babied this laptop to death.  I try not to let it even have a smudge on it....
It's funny, really, because my last computer was a 1999 iBook G3 clamshell (tangerine) that I used for quite sometime.  Wow, that thing was awesome... dropped, scratched, scuffed, dented, etc.  It's never quit working (Comment below about your amazing old laptops)   I ran my life off of only 18 gb of HardDrive space for a LONG time!   So a 250GB drive in my MacBook Pro is awesome :)   I sure hope to get at least 41/2 more  years of life out of my MacBook Pro.    (Something I definitely couldn't have done on my 2006/2007 dell desktop.*
*Note, the dell is sitting in the basement... unused.  I'm using it's Keyboard and LCD on my iMac G3 indigo though.
I guess that's all for now.... See you soon!

-Smileyranger :3

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Eating Synthetic Livestock?....

Aah yes... however insane the post title may seem now, I can assure you that it'll seem much better later on....
Today I tried to take my iMac G3 apart... Didn't go so well.  I didn't break anything, I'm just having trouble putting that mesh inner hull back into place *sighs inwardly*
I guess that's all for today!

-Smileyranger :3

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Another installment of boredom...squared.

Welcome, to the most useless and long term unimportant blog that, when you read it will amount to nothing in your life. 
Moving on.....
I have come to a conclusion. The ONLY reason I use YouTube is because I got my account before Google had dominated it.  Also, the only reason why I use Gmail is because my friend Michael had me get one.  So why do I use Google's Blogspot service for blogging?   Because I can tether that account with the others that I regret getting in the first place.  Ironic, huh.  
So my choice web-service?  YAHOO!!!!   Why is that?  Well, any web-service can look pretty awesome when you're in 2003 using Ask-Jeeves and then you look over to your T.V. and a Yahoo ad with a yodeling flash mob forms into the shape  of the yahoo logo.  Amazing, huh.   So now I use Yahoo groups when I can, and hope Yahoo can come out of the rubble and crush google!!!!!!
-Smileyranger :3

Monday, June 20, 2011

The *mis*adventures of a web-based co-mogul....

What's that? I can't hear you... I have a weak K'nex-ion....
white trash repairs - The K'nexion Is Pretty Weak
see more There I Fixed It

Okay. That's better.

Well guys... The web-series is becoming quite the complicated project.  Now money is a player in this virtually confusing game. But alas, I shall stick with it.  I'm currently working on a work schedule to maximize efficiency and such so that we can get this little seed of an idea to become a tree.  Albeit not a Sequoia, but I'll settle for...I guess a willow-sized success.
This post was originally written late at night on a piece of paper when I didn't feel like trying to type. Here's a picture of the paper:
I know, I write really tiny....
well, I guess that's all for now!

-Smileyranger :3

Sunday, June 19, 2011

It's good to be back...

Hi guys!  How are you doing?   I hope you're all doing great!    As you know I set up a Yahoo group for the most trusted and treasured ByteMindedBrain members!
I assume you have seen the YouTube applet in my sidebar.  In the applet, the most recent videos are on the top. (Click on thumbnail to view) And if you click on the text within the applet,  you will be re-directed to my channel :3
Big News:
The blog has it's first visible follower!   Thanks Ejler!  
All I'm going to say is that I'm involved in a rather demanding, yet fun, serious YouTube project.

Today I'm going to call YouTube to see if I can get an HTML block in my channel.

-Smileyranger :3

Friday, June 17, 2011


Hi guys! My friend Ejler and a few of us are doing a web-show!     Go check out his channel HERE! :3

-Smileyranger :3

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Hi guys!  When I asked you guys to comment in my last post, I didn't think it would happen, but wow, I'm amazed that I have some people that actually pay attention to my blog!   Please, keep commenting in the last post.
So basically, I just wanted to thank you guys for giving me a new bit-o-insentive to keep this whole thing going :3

 Because comments seem help me connect with my viewers,

Please let me know in the comments below if you want my YouTube channel to become active again where I can post my vids to this blog. 

Thanks so much <3

-Smileyranger :3

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


.... Yeah... once again I'm pretty brain-dead.
I wish I had something to talk about.  If it doesn't rain, I'll get to see my friends tomorrow. Maybe make a vid for the ByteMindedBrain TV!
I just thought I'd let you guys know :D

-Smileyranger :3

Sunday, June 12, 2011

dskbV.K OIYW'/lkX p

As you can see, the title of this post emits randomness...which is basically a summary of how this unorganized post will be....

So, <insert small talk here></Smalltalk>  How are you guys doing?      
Thankfully I'm doing better which means that I can actually post to you guys without getting a headache or something really weird (Antibiotic induced) happening. 

Blogger News: 
My friend EzBef (nickname, mind you) might be making a blog soon!  I advised that she make a google account and make a blogger blog because if she ever gets a YouTube account, she can synchronize all of those accounts.     I figure that when she gets a blog, we can be each other's first blog followers (Unless someone likes my blog and decides to follow it first :P) 
But I really don't care as much about the blog followers as much as the page views. because that lets me know that my YouTube and Blogger (oh, and Nabble) accounts are doing good. 

A continuation of today's ramblings: 
I think that's all I want to say for now so....

-Smileyranger :3

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Tick bite, not Byte, mind you.

Well, to start I was at my friend's house last Saturday and got a tick bite.  I noticed the tick on Sunday, so it got plucked off... with the head still in.
So yesterday I had a bad headache, a ring around the bite, nausea, and dizzyness etc.  (Lyme disease much?)
So I go to the ER.   And wait and wait and wait.    Then at 9:00 PM I go to the pharmacy to get the medicine.   They didn't have exactly what the doctor prescribed, so after much trouble,  the capsule form was handed over.... At 11:00 Pm.     I then go home, swallow the nastiest medication known to man and crash out...
My day.....

Tick bite, not Byte, mind you.

Well, to start I was at my friend's house last Saturday and got a tick bite.  I noticed the tick on Sunday, so it got plucked off... with the head still in.
So yesterday I had a bad headache, a ring around the bite, nausea, and dizzyness etc.  (Lyme disease much?)
So I go to the ER.   And wait and wait and wait.    Then at 9:00 PM I go to the pharmacy to get the medicine.   They didn't have exactly what the doctor prescribed, so after much trouble,  the capsule form was handed over.... At 11:00 Pm.     I then go home, swallow the nastiest medication known to man and crash out...
My day.....

Friday, June 10, 2011


I had an "interesting"? day today.  I'll post about it when I feel decent....

-Smileyranger :3

Thursday, June 9, 2011

New Title, New Plans.

Well, as you guys can see, I've changed the blog title.
I feel that it's moving more from a blog to videos, forums, and ways for the users to interact.  Of course, I will still try my hardest to do these daily posts.
The ByteMindedBrain TV will be a group of trusted ByteMindedBrain members creating videos, uploading them to my you tube channel, then they will go to the ByteMindedBrain TV area.

The forums should be a good way for the users to communicate and create their own blogs in the blog feature within the forums.

Now on a much lighter note, our new aircraft!
An elastic band powered prop balsa plain!   It flies about 150 feet and the landing gear actually works!

Thanks for supporting these big changes around here!

-Smileyranger :3

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Aircraft Upgrade?

Well, the ByteMindedBrain aircraft is about dead... It lived out it's balsa life and now I think I should get one of those rubber-band-wound balsa gliders.... Just think, a whopping $5.00 ByteMindedBrain glider XD

-Smileyranger :3

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

ByteMindedBrain TV!

Here's my quote from my ByteMindedBrain TV page! (The newest page on this blog)

ByteMindedBrain TV!

Well, guys.
This is the TV for ByteMindedBrain.
It's Vlogs, Skits, Comedy, News, etc all from my you tube channel:
It will be a network of YouTube users that use my channel to upload their vids. Their videos will then be uploaded here on the ByteMindedBrain Network!
So you can watch here like a TV channel.  Well, almost... the newest videos will be uploaded at the top of the page for your ease of viewing.
Neat, huh!
The intro video might be filmed tomorrow!
Hope you guys are excited about ByteMindedBrain TV!

-Smileyranger :3

Monday, June 6, 2011


Hey guys!
I've been looking at the new OSX10.7 today and...Do I really even want to upgrade?  I love Snow Leopard so much, and it seems very productive....While Lion looks like... the iPad :P
Simply, simple...
Almost dumbed down.
Plus, Apple won't let us buy physical copies of Lion... no, we have to download a stinkin' $30 app to run it with no "Physical Security Blanket"
I do believe it's a sad day for apple...

-Smileyranger :3 

Sunday, June 5, 2011


So, who here wants to see a (high) liberal Californian?   If you raised your hand, click below. (Then sob silently as you ponder life itself)

Yeah... scary, huh...
Probably a public school teacher or something XD

-Smileyranger :3

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Hi guys.  I can't make a real post today so I wanted to show you the page with the bytemindedbrain forums!  Go check out the forum page at the top of the sidebar!

-Smileyranger :3

Friday, June 3, 2011

Corporate Aircraft Endeavors...

Hey guys!   I had a great idea!   The Bytemindedbrain blog could really really use a good corporate jet!
Here it is:

Okay.... I know it's just a Balsa-wood glider...  But those things are just waaaayyyy too much fun for their own good.   
Besides, at least I can say that this blog has a jet ;)   
I wrote "official aircraft of" on the side of the airplane.    :P 
This was my first photo upload to BlogSpot and wow, it was easy!  
I just wish I could integrate YouTube and my forum with it... *Sighs*
Thanks for reading!

-Smileyranger :3

Thursday, June 2, 2011


I just gotta know, are you guys as addicted to Tetris as much as me?   I am addicted to the 1989 Tetris for my original grey GameBoy.  You know, the brick kind!    Well, even though my high score is only 53,000 I still love it despite the fact that I'm horrible at it :P  

AAAAHHHHHH  *Grumbles*
I was typing this while I was waiting for WipeOut to come on T.V.....  But alas, my luck has caused it to not come on tonight....

Thanks for putting up with my posts.

-Smileyranger :3

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Turkey legs, Hipsters, and Habaneros...

Hopefully you got the title reference from Skeeter Skelton's book: "Hoglegs, Hipshots, and Jalapenos"
But I just used the Hipster term.... ;)
I was at Whole Foods  today... Wow... The people there are interesting?   Okay... I saw Chris Crocker about 50 different times today. How do they hire that many tattooed, ponytail wearin', beard braiding employees? 
I mean, the people there are nice, but... wow....  
Not to rant but I actually find it funny XD

-Smileyranger :3