Hi guys! sorry about the neglected blog...
I'll try to make it up to you with a good post.
and due to the fact that I'm going to be busy, my next big post will be on Wednesday. hopefully it'll be a good one.
Yesterday I was thinking. Will I still be updating this blog in oh, say... 5 years from now? Will work and such get in the way, or will this blog be a source of revenue? If so, will blogger even exist then? And I assume that if my blog is popular, Google might transfer my account to a different service so that I can still have the same blog with all of the old posts. So I guess the only way to tell is to just keep blogging down this road called life, and invite you guys along for the journey...via my blog.
On a rather unrelated note, I noticed that the keys on my 13'' Core2Duo MacBook Pro that I've had for 7 months has...Shiny slightly worn keys! Oddly enough, I find that very neat because well, It's now *my* MacBook that I've put some wear on. Although, A scratch would make me super uber sad, for I have babied this laptop to death. I try not to let it even have a smudge on it....
It's funny, really, because my last computer was a 1999 iBook G3 clamshell (tangerine) that I used for quite sometime. Wow, that thing was awesome... dropped, scratched, scuffed, dented, etc. It's never quit working (Comment below about your amazing old laptops) I ran my life off of only 18 gb of HardDrive space for a LONG time! So a 250GB drive in my MacBook Pro is awesome :) I sure hope to get at least 41/2 more years of life out of my MacBook Pro. (Something I definitely couldn't have done on my 2006/2007 dell desktop.*
*Note, the dell is sitting in the basement... unused. I'm using it's Keyboard and LCD on my iMac G3 indigo though.
I guess that's all for now.... See you soon!
-Smileyranger :3
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