Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Ranger's Ramblings: In which I learn quality control.

Today my much awaited and worriedly anticipated writing curriculum, One Year Adventure Novel (OYAN, for those of who who have an unhealthy fixation on abbreviations) arrived in the mail today.   So far I have signed up for the forum, and should they let me join, provided that my choice of usernames doesn't make them decline my membership. (Being the idiotic person I am, the first username that I chose was "TheTyrranicalTypist :3"   I have a feeling that I will regret making that choice...but there's nothing that I can do at this time.)
Because this is a writing curriculum, I can take a great deal of pride in saying that I will probably be able to produce blog posts that exceed the literacy skills of the Twitter user "Amanda Bieber".      And although that would be no real accomplishment,  it will be better than the current state of my posts.   (I hope the sarcasm and satire was evident there)

that's all I had to say...


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Ranger's Ramblings: In which my muse jumps the shark and leaves my followers in a state of boredom.

I find myself sitting here, laptop in my...lap, wii-mote in hand, and with a brain completely out of ideas. As my much more creative friend Elizabeth (Best known for her fangirlish obsessions with Leonard Nimoy) would say my brain gears have sputtered and died.  
It really is an accurate representation for most cases, although, in this case, I find it inadequate, for it is more like a calcified buildup has accumulated and lodged itself into one of those gears suddenly, causing not a slow decline of creativity, but instead, a sudden jolt that has the power to swiftly remove from me any sense of wittiness and tact in the way of wordplay.  

Creativity is a funny thing, when you wish it to be there, it seems to fly out of the window in a most taunting manner, blowing raspberries as it nonchalantly waltzes out of sight, whereas when it is most needed, it assumes the role of a weary therapist that is now simply going through the long since memorized motions associated with each patient and his/her corresponding session.

I often wonder why people bring laptops to coffee houses. You have to wonder if they are typing simply to give the impression that they are supreme intellectual beings from the brain-filled overworld.
If this is true, you cannot help but wonder what they are writing.     In my headbrain, the result most likely resembles this.

I am fully aware of the fact that many of you will pitch little hissy fits in the comments saying that you and many others resort to these establishments as a source of inspiration.... I find that that absolutely strange. You have Wal-Marts, no?

-Ranger :3

Friday, July 27, 2012

Ranger's Ramblings: Of Olympics and shoddy attempts at liveblogging.

**Prepare for a live-blogging rant of the opening ceremony**

As most of you know, the Olympic games are beginning tonight in London, and at the time of writing this, I've about 30 more minutes before the overly hyped festivities begin.  
And I will stand by my reasoning for calling these festivities overhyped because of the incessant marketing for a televised athletic event.  Nearly everything I click on while browsing the internet contains some olympic related advertisement, be it some sponsored cleaner, (P&G, I'm talking about YOU) or that $200.00 soccer ball you think you can sell just because it has 5 coloured rings on it. 
It's gone out of hand.  And I have to wonder why everyone is so hyped about them being held in London, for this is the third time they have hosted this event.   Maybe it's because of the sheer amount of Londoners watching it. 

It is now about  1 hour and 30 minutes since I wrote that last paragraph and I can honestly say that London has outdone anything that China did in 2008. 
But....that giant baby head is....   *shudders*    

I'm also slightly embarrassed with myself for singing along with "Satisfaction" and "Bohemian Rhapsody", but oh well. 

Did anyone notice the creepy dress of the Armenian Flag Bearer? 

9:36 PM and the parade of nations is only at Romania.


Sir Paul McCartney was amazing as always, and I think this was a great opening ceremony!  (Except for that part about the digital age where the boy found the girl's phone and called her to tell her he had her phone...that made no sense, because, well, HE HAD HER PHONE) 

Thanks for reading!

Gardez une lévre supérieure raide, 

Ranger :3

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Ranger's Ramblings: A bold leap into the realm of social networking.

As many of you know, I am not particularly savvy of most forms of social networking, thus leaving me content with the services of websites like Yahoo Groups, or simply my eMail.
But now that I have my YouTube channel, and my blog, more forms of social networking are a must have.    I didn't want to get a FaceBook or Twitter, so a few months ago I created my tumblr.      I have links to it on here, but felt that it wasn't really serving its intended purpose, which is to provide the readers of this site with quick updates and such when I don't feel like making a conventional post to this blog.         I will often post pictures and such that are part of no real group, thus not well suited as photos for this blog.        

So, in order to better showcase this craziness,  I have decided to implement a Tumblr widget in my left sidebar.   If you have looked at my blog in the past couple of days you probably noticed this.        
I do hope that it will provide you with at least a bit of entertainment.
The widget updates on its own, so you can sit and watch me post nonsense without actually having to go to my tumblr....but who would ever want to watch me post?   Ha.  haha. ha. ...  

And as for the step counting thing, I've decided to do a weekly update instead of daily xD

-Ranger :3

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Ranger's Ramblings: Pictures! :D

A few days ago I went to the mall to see Moonrise Kingdom (AN AMAZING MOVIE) with my friends Virginia and Lilly.    Here's some pictures from that day!

-Ranger :3 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Ranger's Ramblings: Crack the back.

WARNING:  This post was written on Friday, published on Saturday...so don’t get all confuzzled.
Hello readers, and stalkers that like to follow this page for some strange, unknown and creepy reason.   I have once again decided to saturate these virtual pages with a run-down of my day, and things that I have done since I last posted.         I feel that I should apologise before hand for using this blog in such a way that it begins to resemble a facebook wall, consisting of nothing but pointless updates and nonsensical ramblings about that horrible act on America’s Got Talent and how the zombie apocalypse wouldn’t go great for you because the survival chart based on your date of birth said that you’d be accompanied on your dangerous journey by Oprah Winfrey and a mechanical pencil.     

Today was a rather eventful day, for I went to the chiropractor.  I believe I mentioned this a few dozen posts ago, where I had broken my tailbone in October. This of course caused a bunch of hip problems, and on top of that,  I had some shoulder/neck stuff that need to be sorted out.  The latter of the two problems was caused by my violin playing, which was contorting my neck, shoulder and such in a very awkward position.      I now know how that can be prevented from happening again, and my right leg is no longer positioned 2 inches shorter than my left leg.    A definite win if you ask me. 
After that I went to the place I keep telling myself I will never go to again. The Dollar Tree.   I got earbuds, another pedometer, a calculator and some spree candies.  Classy, aren’t I.    
Well, I do think that the calculator was worth it because it sits on a desk and has a neat little flip up LCD that could be useful if I’m doing basic calculations and stuffs.    I guess I could use it if I’m doing programming stuffs, but that’s about it.... Why did I buy that stuff again?  x3

As for the pedometer I got around 7,000 steps today....not bad.  

That’s all I can think of to say....KBAI. 

-Ranger :3

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ranger's Ramblings: I might QWOP.

On rare occasions I will think to myself, "I should really get into shape." And because I am too lazy to do any regular exercises, I always think that running or biking would be good, since I don't want to focus on one thing, but instead be in a state of good general health. When these waves of thought sweep my brain, I will dig out a pedometer from the depths of my room, or the dollar tree, depending on the condition of my room and make a chart and set a goal for just how many steps I will take that day. This time I had set the goal of 15,000 steps per day. I figured that if I ran around the street a bit or jogged in place in the backyard it would be relatively easy to reach that goal.




There are no other ways to put it. I am simply one of the laziest people you will meet when it comes to actually taking action and going through with this sort of physical exertion. Yeah, I'll work hard at school or music, or physically if it's a task, but of my own volition when it comes to personal fitness I fail. Hard.

As an example, I only took 3,000 steps today. That's 12,000 away from my goal.

So here's what I'm going to do. For the next 7 days I'm going to post how many steps I've taken, and should I fail to take 15,000 steps on a certain day during the week, I will repeat the process adding to the embarrassment of the whole situation which will then be insintive for me to not be so lazy in the first place.

If you guys don't like this idea, let me know and it will stop, but if you do, I'll continue it.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Ranger's Ramblings: In which I text.

So recently I've discovered the joy of texting apps for the iPod touch, and naturally, lots of texting has come from it.      I don't exactly know whether that's a good thing. So, I'll let you guys decide after looking at the following screen captures....

If you want to share your funny texting screen captures, eMail them to smileyranger@gmail.com 
and I'll feature them in a future post!

-Ranger :3

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Ranger’s Ramblings: In which a funny bone is tickled, and I die of happiness.

It seems as though my recent posts have managed to tickle at least a couple of you “Pink” as you would say, and I don’t fully doubt that because it is VERY easy to get a sunburn this time of year, and I suppose that if I ticked you enough, I could get you to sit in the sun writhing from my incessant tickling which will hopefully keep you immobilized just long enough to be able to get that sunburn I was speaking of.  
There.  I proved it.  It really is possible to be tickled pink, however uncomfortable it may be. 
But in all seriousness with a touch of satire, I have been somehow stumbling upon a few gold mines of posts. 
Well, maybe not gold, but more like the low grade of silver that’s in food.  
That’s all. 
-Ranger :3

Channel Updates

Friday, July 6, 2012

Ranger’s Ramblings: Sharing is caring. (7/5/12)

It always comes to this. The inevitable point in the life of a blog where responsibilities must be shared, and columns turned a group effort.  And by group effort I mean showing all of the drudgeries of writing a blog off on your unsuspecting friend who, is then obligated to accept for no other reason than simply being your friend.    When you think about it this really is quite the fool proof plan.  They can’t say no, for they realize that this blog that you speak of is like a child to you and how it would be as if your soul was being ripped out of you should they let it die. If you’ve already set high standards for the site, you might even get them to squeak out 2,000 words per week on it.    But if this doesn’t work as planned, wash, rinse, repeat the process, but this time with a few more friends that are easily suckered into things such as this.   Not only will it be a good lesson in human manipulation, you will also have up to 10,000 words per week being published on your blog.   This is the point where you sit back and reap your profits. 
Another plus to this is that it’s AMAZINGLY cheap.  The most you have to pay will be the occasional salad to keep your friends in the best of health and spirits so that they don’t have some emotional breakdown and begin typing enraged slurs against you.   That could be bad for your reputation if they did something of that sort, so you may have to get out of your recliner for a few minutes and proof read your posts, and slip in a few words about yourself that make you sound more like the knight in shining internet armor that you really are. 
I hope that advice helped you future sweatshop owners know how to run your internets to the best of your abilities. 
-Ranger :3

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Psychological cult based item to job relations and curious correlations. 7/4/12

What?  The title I just presented made absolutely NO sense at all, and for some reason, when I typed it 3 hours prior to typing this, it actually sounded good in my head brain.   And that also raises yet a heightened sense of awareness for my lack of judgement, but that’s beside the point.  
What I want to present to you are a collection of thoughts on the topic of categorizing work implements with the correlating task.  
When you think about it, we tend to associate certain items with certain tasks, often providing no overlaps for them in our minds.    A stethoscope will be draped around the neck of a doctor,  a monkey wrench in the pocket of a plumber, and a hammer in the hands of a carpenter.       But take a computer keyboard for instance. It is a tool used often in the medical field for inputting data, and keeping records in order.  We would, in our minds picture this object for use in the home or in the office, but really, it becomes an extension of that doctor’s stethoscope.  It’s JUST as VITAL to the wellness of the client as the forceps, or the iodine in the bottle sitting atop the counter. It’s just not what we would consider an ideal representation of that certain field.   Just as we wouldn’t emphasize the importance of the velcro in the professional golfer’s bag of clubs.  It’s definitely not something that gets the bulk of the glory, but without it, the egotistical club-swinging, ball-whacking maniac would be nothing more than a belittled, blubbering, emotional train wreck, face first in the sand trap as his prized possessions lay astride his limp and awkwardly heaving figure, ungracefully free from the then non restraining bag. 
But to get to the root of the situation, we have to go even farther back into the process of WHY we have these thoughts.  My personal theory is that we are simply taught these basic things, and these forms of itemized placement when we are very young, so that we associate the yellow coat to the fireman, and green tie with the leaping glittery bass fish with the preacher. 
It’s as if these things that could use a new outlook, or a fresh view are still ingrained deeply in a generations old ritual that must invisibly, and instinctually instruct the parents or caretakers to teach what has happened, not what COULD happen, or what COULD become of something.  But human nature does not work in such ideologically wondrous ways, thus indicating that there will most likely be no huge changes in the fields that the child is exposed to and taught about. 
I dunno why I thought of this, I just thought it might be good for you guys to mull over in your head for a while as I prepare some more interesting topics and possibly a new show for you guys. 
Thanks for reading as always, and should you want to hire me to write for you, email me at smileyranger@gmail.com
-Ranger :3