Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Ranger's Ramblings: A bold leap into the realm of social networking.

As many of you know, I am not particularly savvy of most forms of social networking, thus leaving me content with the services of websites like Yahoo Groups, or simply my eMail.
But now that I have my YouTube channel, and my blog, more forms of social networking are a must have.    I didn't want to get a FaceBook or Twitter, so a few months ago I created my tumblr.      I have links to it on here, but felt that it wasn't really serving its intended purpose, which is to provide the readers of this site with quick updates and such when I don't feel like making a conventional post to this blog.         I will often post pictures and such that are part of no real group, thus not well suited as photos for this blog.        

So, in order to better showcase this craziness,  I have decided to implement a Tumblr widget in my left sidebar.   If you have looked at my blog in the past couple of days you probably noticed this.        
I do hope that it will provide you with at least a bit of entertainment.
The widget updates on its own, so you can sit and watch me post nonsense without actually having to go to my tumblr....but who would ever want to watch me post?   Ha.  haha. ha. ...  

And as for the step counting thing, I've decided to do a weekly update instead of daily xD

-Ranger :3


  1. Why would you consider "more forms of social networking" as a must-have, since you now have a YouTube channel and blog? Just curious. =)

    1. Should it get a surge of popularity, I want to claim my url/screen-name on other sights as soon as possible. Makes me seem greedy on the internet the more that I think about it xD

  2. THAT IS WHAT TUMBLR IS SUPPOSED TO BE!!!!!! Not mine... where i *lowers voice*... JUST REBLOG PRETTY PICTURES :(
