Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Ranger's Ramblings: In which I text.

So recently I've discovered the joy of texting apps for the iPod touch, and naturally, lots of texting has come from it.      I don't exactly know whether that's a good thing. So, I'll let you guys decide after looking at the following screen captures....

If you want to share your funny texting screen captures, eMail them to smileyranger@gmail.com 
and I'll feature them in a future post!

-Ranger :3


  1. Lol, this reminds me of my chats online with David... =P lol! I haven't figured out if those types of conversations are good or not, either. ;) I suppose it depends on its profitableness...XD

  2. I would just like to thank you for not using any of ours :P
